Rhino 1 workshop
Description: This course delivers a concise introduction to rhino and an overview of fundamental skills for creating and editing geometry.

WITH: Rhino Certified Intructor Ian Gordon
LOCATION: e+i office in Manhattan's Chinatown

REQUIREMENTS: No prior knowledge required.
Bring Laptop with a 3-button mouse and rhino installed (preferably PC), or reserve one HERE
If you are taking course remotely pleaase 'tech-check' your laptop


• Overall familiarity with the Rhino interface
• An introduction to Rhino geometry types
• Essential skills for creating and editing geometry
• Precision modeling using snaps, guides, and cplanes
• Modeling with curves and surfaces
• Modeling with solids
• Organizing objects via layers

SIGN UP BELOW: [paypal window will open - no account needed]
• Workshops are four hours with a 30 minutes break. Select the date that what works for you or signup for tutor hours for other days.
• Once you register we will email you with details for you to 'TECH CHECK' your laptop. Remember to bring a 3 button mouse and a charger, or rent a computer from us.

specify if in person or remote