Description: in-depth look at creating and editing complex geometry, customization and various workflow techniques.
WITH: Rhino Certified Intructor Ian Gordon
LOCATION: e+i office in Manhattan's Chinatown
Must have taken Rhino basic workshop (or reach out via email for assessment)
Bring Laptop with a 3-button mouse and rhino installed (preferably PC), or reserve one HERE
If you are taking course remotely pleaase 'tech-check' your laptop
• Interface customization
• Curve and Surface continuity
• Deformation tools
• Intro to macros and scripting
• Surface evaluation
• Working with Blocks (creating and importing)
• Working with meshes
• Ability to import and export in various file formats
SIGN UP BELOW: [paypal window will open - no account needed]
• Workshops are with a 30 min break. Select the date that what works for you or signup for tutor hours for other days.
• Once you register we will email you with details for you to 'TECH CHECK' your laptop