Venice Bridge Museum
Venice, Italy. 2006
New cultural building & multispecies bridge. International competition

The nature of Venice's existence is fleeting and shifting ; contingent to tides and nonhuman flows. As we share it's past splendors and embrace it's future ambitions, we must be critical of new construction in this magical city but not because we wish to return to a past state of nostalgic glory, rather to take on the responsibility of preparing for its multispecies future. As such, one must question the need to confine the bridge to old models and established formal configurations that skirt the environmental crisis. The bridge-museum proposed responds to the tangible threat of Venice's sinking and with it the loss of invaluable heritage.In response, the museum has been conceived as to coexist with such an event, to become part of the water system. It is composed of independent floating program nodes and marine-pods that can break off from the main structure and float away along the canal, providing refuge for humans and more-than-humans to exist self-sufficiently. Each program node is a float, containing all the required programs and services to exist independently of the bridge path-structure that originally ties them together.

Design: Eva Perez de Vega
Exhbited at Yeshiva University in New York, 2007